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A fiercely protective army of mama bears has been activated!
​Are you fed up with the relentless
attacks on our children?
The over-sexualization, grooming, and indoctrination is poisoning their young minds
and robbing them of their innocence.
We are looking for unapologetically outspoken warriors and fierce protectors of children
to join MOM Army. If we don’t fight this
battle TODAY, our children will be
left to fight it themselves.

​Activating and uniting millions of Mama Bears and our allies
in the battle to protect children and their innocence.
MOM ARMY is a survivor led organization working
collaboratively to break the cycle of abuse and exploitation.
Our vision is a world where kids feel safe, loved and honored.
YOU were made for such a time as this!

The most dangerous place in the world is between a mother and her child.
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